
Cool Green Bong Glass Recycler Dab Rig Sidecar Bubbler Matrix Perc Water Pipe

$52.99 $59.00 now piece
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What's Included:
1x bong,1x bowl
milk green,milk purple
14mm female joint
22 cm,8.6 inch
Net Weight:
400 g,14 oz
Base Width:
9 cm,3.54 inch
Glass Thickness:
Cool Green Bong Glass Recycler Dab Rig Sidecar Bubbler Matrix Perc Water Pipe

This piece of glass recycler bong really catches you eyes for its wonderful designs. The multi-layered dimension of the neck tube with four circles on it really shocks you.
You won't be able to imagine that a water pipe would be made into this ridiculous shape with a typhon shape.
The design is simple and concisely worked out. The smoke produced in the sidecar bubbler that has been initially purified will flock into you lungs with exggearatingly rapid speed. You may literally get choked if you don't pay attention to this cruel fact. 
The large and strudy base in the bottom of the glass bong stands out for its insane thickness. I can assure you that this glass bong won't fell down or get upside down even in front of a tornado or hurrican that can devour the whole earth. The stability of the mini dab rig can only be explained in such an exggerating way with sentences full of exclamations.
This recycler dab rig is available in purple and green. The price for this recycler is also very affordable. This recycler bong is under $50.