Dab nails

DabNails are the most important accessory of a rig setup. The dab nail is where theconcentrate heating process takes place. The right nail can complete yourdabbing setup. It does not matter how nice your dab rig is if your dab nail istrash. A dab nail is pretty much the concentrate version of a bowl you woulduse on a bong. It holds your concentrates or oils and transfers the vapor intothe rig.


To kick off the dabbing process, you’llneed to heat the dab nail, which rests on the side of the dab rig. After it hasreached the appropriate temperature, you would then place your concentrates onthe dab nail. After doing so, you would inhale, drawing the smoke into thepiece, and then into your mouth. So, dab nails serve an important purpose inthe dabbing process.


There are many different dab nails that aremade of different materials and various designs. While temperature-controllableelectronic nails, aka e-nails, have hit the market somewhat recently,they are super expensive and kind of overkill for the vast majority of dabbers.As such, most nails currently in use come in one of three (or four, if youinclude glass) materials: quartz dab nail, ceramic dab nail, and titaniumnail.